The Wild Sky Wilderness encompasses rugged peaks, roaring rivers and lush forests. The area protected by the Wild Sky Wilderness is roadless and, well... wild, without many established trails.
When Wild Sky was established in 2008, the legislation called for a trail plan to establish system of hiking and equestrian trails to provide access to the wilderness area. A public meeting will be held on Thursday, June 23, 2011 from 6:30-8:30 p.m. at Park Place Middle School commons in Monroe, WA to take the next steps to establish a trail plan.
Join The Mountaineers in participating in this unique opportunity to craft a vision for a trail system that will serve the incredible opportunities for backcountry recreation in the Wild Sky. Tom Davis is the project leader for the plan and can answer questions - he may be reached at tdavis@fs.fed.us. If you would like to get involved with the Mountaineers response to the Trails Plan study, contact conservation@mountaineers.org.